Medium budget lodging with 3 stars from where you can visit the center of the city, located at approximately 1 km. In this accommodation you can find affordable prices, from €92. Offers to its customers free wifi internet connection in all its facilities. Best Quality Hotel Dock Milano offers several amenities, being some of the most relevants: parking and air conditioned. Customers travelling with pets are also allowed to stay. About the remarcable places, is located beside Museo Civico Pietro Micca e dell'assedio di Torino and Museo diffuso della resistenza, della deportazione, della guerra, dei diritti e della libertà, in the whereabouts of Museo della Sindone and Museo Storico Reale Mutua and in the surroundings of Diocesan Museum of Turin and Via Roma.
You can book your room in Best Quality Hotel Dock Milano from €92.
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Address: Via Cernaia 46. 10122 Turin. Italy.